The Montana Cup has one race for each gender, but with a scoring twist.
Teams fielding five or more masters (40+ years) runners of the same gender also compete for the Masters’ Cup.
All four cups are traveling trophies. That is, the winning team gets to engrave their city’s name in their cup and they get to keep it for one year before returning it for the next year’s meet.
Masters runners count in open and masters-division scoring.
Each master must be able to verify his or her age and must wear an “M” on the back of his or her jersey.
Masters’ Cup rules are identical to those used for the Montana Cup, except that only masters age runners are included in scoring.
Although there is no longer a “Cyppee Cup” team competition for juniors (under 19), there is junior age division for individual awards, and each junior must be able to verify his or her age and must wear a “J” on the back of his or her jersey.